29 October 2013

KIDS MEAL: Thai Alley

Arriving at Thai Alley one afternoon (late lunch it is), I was surprised to be handed a kids meal list. Last time we ate there… I don’t quite remember what they had. I just remember that THAI ALLEY has the best curry in town haha.

On the list there were 4 choices (I don’t get the names cos they’re quite a trouble to pronounce)… and my son picked the bottom one (priced at Rp. 69.000 while the others are R. 59.000). The menu is: fried rice, fried chicken cutlets, breaded shrimps (or squid), jelly, and orange/strawberry juice. My son lobbied the waiter and he got his favorite apple juice instead.

And here’s what arrived on our table.

Andrew says: “Mom, this is the tastiest kids meal I’ve ever tried.” And he finished it all, including the apple juice.

Thai Alley is at Gandaria City

21 October 2013

Poney Enfants

An Afternoon Store Opening
It's been a while since Andrew walked the runway. This time an invite came from Poney Enfants. 

Poney is a fashion brand specializing in children wear. Its simplicity and classic French-inspired concept easily warms everyone who passes the store front. Came to Indonesia earlier this year, Poney opened a store in Plaza Indonesia on October 19, 2013. It's all about cute stuffs: cupcakes, flowers, white carousel decor... even the clothes are lovely and elegant. The kids came off the train before starting to walk on the green runway.  Like a late summer in France that anyone will always remember. 

Poney Spring/Summer and Autumn Collection

Poney Enfants Miniapolis - Plaza Indonesia

07 October 2013

Little Mr. Inventor

Andrew has tons of imaginations. This one scored him two tickets to a movie screening.

Dua minggu lalu waktu terima raport, saya ditegur (lagi) sama wali kelas Andrew bahwa anak saya suka melamun dan berkhayal. Yup! Penyakit lama dari TK di mana pensil dan penggaris bisa jadi monster dan Power Rangers. Anak saya susah konsentrasi karena kebanyakan berkhayal dan berusaha menciptakan sesuatu. Minggu lalu akhirnya saya mengikutkan dia ke trial science class di Kidspace dan he likes it so much! He couldn’t wait for Saturday and “invent” something in the class. With a teacher wearing a lab coat like professor, he apparently feels like one too. “Call me Professor Andrew,” he said after his trial class, showing off the soap he reshaped in the class.

This time his imagination brought something else: movie tickets.

I came upon a quiz on XYKids website, with a question I thought he would like:
“Kalau kamu jadi penemu, kamu mau menemukan apa dan apa alasannya?”

Ini jawaban Andrew:

Aku mau menciptakan batu yang bisa melayang tanpa dipegangin orang dari bawah. Kenapa? Soalnya aku mau susun batu itu jadi banyak, trus kita bisa bikin rumah di atas batu-batu itu dan dunianya jadi ngga penuh. Terus kalo ada tsunami juga ngga akan kena... kan kita di atas. Kalau ada tornado, batunya ikut muter-muter dan pindah ke tempat lain.Andrew / 7thn / Depok

That answer scored him a movie screening ticket for Cloudy With A Chance of Meatball 2, a movie we both enjoyed watching.

We didn’t watch the first one and I didn’t expect to like this kind of movie. No dead people, no crime and predictable ending (well, it’s a kid-animation movie). Tapi saya salah soalnya film ini bagus banget. Berkali-kali saya bahkan lebih heboh dari Andrew yang serius banget nonton. Strawberry-nya lucu!

Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs 2 menceritakan tentang kelanjutan petualangan Flint Lockwood dan mesin pembuat makanan (yang namanya FLDSMDFR or kurang lebih seperti itu). Bergabung dengan LIVE Inc, tempat para penemu berkumpul dan bekerja dibawah idola Flint, Chester V, Flint harus kembali ke hometown-nya untuk menemukan si FLDSMDFR yang ternyata masih menyala. Di sana dia (dan teman-temannya) menemukan bahwa rumahnya sudah dikuasai makanan: mulai dari Cheeseburger yang memakan orang dan buaya taco yang menakutkan.

Flint yang bertekad menyelesaikan misi untuk mematikan FLDSMDFR itu tidak menggubris pendapat teman-temannya (termasuk Sam Sparks), dan menemukan kekecewaan bahwa idolanya, Chester V, ternyata orang jahat.

Adegan favorit Andrew: “Waktu mereka tahu kalau LIVE ternyata EVIL, Ma.”

Yah, kalau untuk orang dewasa, itu sudah terbaca dari awal hehe. Tapi jalan ceritanya menyenangkan dan banyak makanan/hewan lucu sepanjang cerita, terutama si Strawberry N Woo dan timun yang suka mancing.

A fun Sun-Date after all.